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Autumn Term 2022

Welcome back to all our children and parents! We hope you all had a wonderful summer, whether travelling abroad or staying in the UK. We have all been blessed with such glorious weather.

What did we get up to over the summer?

Lots of outdoor learning, hiding behind trees, outdoor snack times, mini water pistol flights, watering the orchard apple trees and enjoying ice cream and lollies in the garden!

This term is one of our shortest terms but crammed full of autumnal activities. We will be starting off by meeting lots of new children joining Little Cakes. Some of the baby room children have transitioned into the pre-school room over the summer and have now started in the 'big room'.

In the pre-school room the children will be practicing respecting other children's work spaces using floor mats and table mats. They will be learning to tidy up after themselves, respect the resources and materials around them. Plus clean up after themselves during snack time and lunch and learn to dress themselves for outdoor activities. We will also be working on an 'All About Me' project, to get to know all of the children a little better.

The baby room children will be forming their bonds with the teachers and also learning how to tidy up. They will be introduced to 'tidy up music', joining in circle time with songs and stories to learn to carry their chairs and take their plates and cups for washing after lunch!

It all sounds like hard work but please be assured we have a lot of fun too :)

We will be celebrating Rosh Hashanah, Diwali, discussing Halloween and firework safety. We will then begin some Christmas activities and crafts and hopefully hold our annual bake sale and Christmas parties.

Few reminders for current and new parents

1) Please label everything! (Water bottles, clothing, shoes, outdoor wear etc)

2) Please remember to check when wipes/nappies need to be replenished.

3) Please ensure your child has appropriate clothing for autumn (waterproofs and wellies)

4) Please note collection and drop off is outside the main front door (not in the school garden). A member of staff will meet you at the front of the main door.

Parent Reps

We will be sending out an email introducing our parent reps for the year. Parent Reps help organise events with the school as well as organising events for the parents.


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© Copyright Little Cakes Montessori

Contact Us

Tel: 01923 286235



Chorleywood House Grounds, Rickmansworth Road, Chorleywood WD3 5SL

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