October 2024 update
It has been a whirlwind since Graduation back in July, lots of leavers moving on to 'Big School' in August and new starters in September. We recently invested in our pre-school garden adding bark and a cycling pavement for the children, we also purchased a lovely large mud kitchen for both gardens and moved the sandpit to the centre of the garden.

Room Transitioning
We have started the term with settling in new children into our baby room and transitioning some of the children from the baby room into the pre-school room. The process for transition includes the child visiting the pre-school room with their key worker and the new key worker visiting the child in the baby room. We gradually increase the time the child is in the pre-school room over 4 weeks and finally once they have managed a half day session we transition to a full day! We find this process eases in the child gradually and allow the new key worker to really get to know the child.
This Term
The children have been busy focusing on all the natural resources available to them outside the nursery! We have collected apples, autumn leaves, conkers and pine cones to name a few. The term started with our topic 'All About Me'. The children created play dough faces, mapped out a tree with all the things they like and with our regular Show & Tell sessions in the Pre-School room the children are given an opportunity to stand up and talk about an object from home. Babies have enjoyed playing with the autumn sensory tray, baking with winter vegetables and sticking using leaves they have collected outdoors.

We entered the Chorleywood Scarecrow trail hunt! (see our scarecrow below, who do you think it is?!)

Circle Time
Each morning in the preschool, we a hold circle time. We do not expect all the children to sit during this session, however, it is a chance for both teachers and children to discuss, sing, participate in Show & Tell and sometimes learn a new song. We also use these periods to introduce a new resource and discuss our classroom rules.
In the Baby room the circle time entails lots of singing, name repetition, saying 'good morning' and learning about our emotions. On Wednesdays the children enjoy an interactive Spanish lesson with an external teacher.
Autumn Baking with your child!
A light. fluffy and delicious loaf cake filled with apple and blackberry. A simple recipe easy to bake with your child. Please find the recipe here:
That's all for now!
If you have any questions about the school please contact us.
The Little Cakes Montessori Team